The latest crisis in Georgia regarding the passing of the law on foreign agents, brought the “colorful” mercenary army of Soros and Srdza Popovic’s CANVAS agitators to the streets again.
After such a “revolution” failed in Hungary, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Venezuela and Syria, and was successful in Macedonia, Libya and Poland – Georgia is their next destination.
Srdza Popovic, Marina Abramovic, George and Alexander Soros
But after so many years of activity by Srdza Popovic, Marina Abramovic, George and Alexander Soros and the like, peoples around the world are tired of such “revolutions” and “liberations”.
That is why, on all meridians, these activities experience an absolute defeat. Among other things, with the increasingly certain victory of the Right in the elections for the EU Parliament.
Parties and activists fed by Soros’ money are losing their political legitimacy to the point of unrecognizability.
Such an example is The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (abbreviated PLDM), and its frontman Ion Harghel.
Ion Harghel
Ion Harghel’s attempts to be Moldavian Srdza Popovic led to the downfall of his party. A party that is not clear whether it is ideologically center-left or center-right!?
A party that immediately after its establishment in 1998 had 300,000 votes in the Parliamentary elections, they had 18% of the votes and were the third strongest party in a country with 2.5 million inhabitants. After the biggest result in the history of the party, when in 2019 they won 23% of the votes (335,000) and 30 out of 101 seats in the parliament which made it the second most powerful party in Moldova, the rebirth of the people, the Sorosization and the canvas of characters like Ion Harghel 2021 party wins only 2% (26,000) of votes. And now, after 17 years of existence, for the first time they do not have a single deputy in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.
Moldova is facing enormous problems, primarily with the incompleteness of its territory. Transnistria to the east of the country, inhabited by a Russian-speaking population, does not recognize the government in Chisinau. And the southern part, i.e. Gagauzia inhabited by ethnic Turks, behaves similarly. Neighboring Romania also has territorial claims to the whole of Moldova, which considers Moldovans to be Romanians both ethnically and linguistically.
But these existential problems of the state are not the focus of the PLDM party and its frontman Ion Harghe.
On the contrary, Ion is involved in the KANVAS/SOROS network operating in the Balkans. Above all, it cooperates with Muslim fundamentalist terrorists who are working to disintegrate states like Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Tearing apart other countries, the short-sightedness of Srdza Popovic’s mercenaries do not see that their country, the Republic of Moldova, will soon cease to exist.