This year, a number of countries are holding presidential and parliamentary elections,
Serbia started first, confirming mandate of the current president Vucic, and the same thing happened in Russia with Putin.
The elections in the European Union are coming up, and at the end of the year, those here in the United States.
But there are also elections in a small country, for us as a small dot on the world map, but a zone of American interest for more than 120 years.
The small country with a big history – Macedonia.
Modern, post-war history says that back in Yalta in 1945, at the decisive summit of the “Big Three”, the Russians and the Americans divided the zones of interest (influence) in the Balkans. No matter that they were part of Yugoslavia
the Soviets (Russians) retained the right over Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro, and the Americans over Macedonia…
Macedonia, at the end of April and as a final on May 8, decides who will be the new president of that country, but more importantly, decides who will form the new government. The previous SDSM, a relapse of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, or the republicans from the patriotic VMRO DPMNE.
For the USA, which expects a victory for Trump and the Republicans, a natural partner is the VMRO DPMNE, whose ancestors formed a short-lived republic under the slogan “freedom or death” back in 1903 during the Krushevo Uprising, although all the surrounding countries were monarchies (Greece, Bulgaria , Ottoman Empire, Albania, Romania…).
The young and charismatic leader of VMRO DPMNE, Professor Dr. Hristijan Mickoski, represents the new face of that small country that has so far survived dozens of traumas through violent and unwanted name changes several times, changing the flag, the constitution, erasing a part of history… .The latest trauma was the world’s only example in the 21st century of apartheid where the Albanian minority (under 20%) ruled the country with a majority (74%) Macedonian population.
This small country, a buffer zone between us and Russia (Bulgaria has always been a vassal of “bachushka”) deserves a life worthy of the modern world.
That is why the April/May elections are essential for them. But also for our influence there.
Michael Sunday
Political analyst