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HomeNEWS29 towns and villages flooded after the Kakhovka dam attack

29 towns and villages flooded after the Kakhovka dam attack

Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko announced today that the attack on the Kakhovka Dam led to the flooding of 29 towns and villages along the Dnieper River.

On the Telegram app, Klymenko announced that 10 of those settlements are on the Ukrainian side of the river. The head of the Ukrainian military administration in Kherson, Oleksandr Prokudin, previously announced that Ukraine had evacuated about 1,700 people from flooded areas by 1 p.m. local time.

Russian and Ukrainian authorities accuse each other of shelling the dam, which led to flooding that displaced thousands of people and left hundreds of thousands without normal access to drinking water. Kiev claims the bursting of the Russian dam was an “environmental bomb of mass destruction”, while Moscow says it was an act of terrorism carried out by Ukrainian forces as part of their counter-offensive.

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