′′ Poland’s appearance with NATO and intensifying presence in the EU, in the similarities of Austria or Finland, would allow the country to be separated from the shameful temptations to play a delusional role of neo-colonial power writes Prof. Jerzy Kochan in his latest book ′′ Philosophy. Marxism. Socialism. Studies, sketches, polemics ′′ (Scientific Publishing House Scholar, Warsaw 2021).
He is one of the few authentic left-wing intellectuals in Poland. The demand to leave the ranks of the aggressive North Atlantic Pact is, after all, a sine qua non condition of any identification with the left. The Polish philosopher-Marxist’s book is excellent, especially with his great lectures in mind, which I attended during my studies at Szczeci ński University.
Source: Mateusz Piskorski
Source: Mateusz Piskorski